About the samaj
The Saraswats derive the name as descendents of मुनी सारस्वत the son of ऋषी दधीची. In ancient times Saraswat Brahmins lived on the banks of the River Saraswati originating from the Himalyas and flowing through northern India. At one time, historical records say that at some places, the River Saraswati spanned six km. wide. When the River Saraswati started drying up, the Saraswat Brahmins, guided by श्री विष्णूअवतार भगवान परशुराम migrated to Goa and the coastal Karnataka. To enable the Saraswats to realize their spiritual needs our ancestors formed four Maths or monasteries – Shree Kashi Math Samsthan, Shree Samsthana Gokarn Partagali Jeevottam Math, Shri Saunsthan Gaudapadacharya Kavale Math and Shri Chitrapur Math. This was solely for logistic convenience, when in the good old days transportation facilities were primitive.
Later, as our nation grew and people from the Kanara’s started migrating in search of greener pastures, some made Ahmedabad their new कर्म भूमी.
Four renowned personalities who came to Ahmedabad can be described as the four pillars of the present day Gowd Saraswath Samaj. From Ahmedabad Konkani Association in 1973 to Gowd Saraswath Brahmin Samaj in 1983 to Gowd Saraswath Samaj on 15th August 2004, we have come a long way.

H.V.B. Gadiyar
वैकुंठवासी H.V.B. Gadiyar devoted 35 years of his precious life to our Samaj. He has always been acknowledged as the silent leader who led from the front. He was proactive, self-motivated, knew the priorities of our Samaj and relentlessly worked for it. He was very compassionate and was able to tie his emotions to those of other bandhavas. A very caring person, he made himself available 24X7 to our Samaj bandhavas

K.V. Kamath
वैकुंठवासी K.V. Kamath came to Ahmedabad from New Delhi in 2001. His self-confidence and eloquence made our bandhavas look upon him as a leader. His positive attitude, maturity, integrity and honesty drew people towards him. Here was a man who knew who he is and what he stood for. His opinions and viewpoints, while flexible, did not blow with the winds. He had a strong opinion about what is right, and would defend it in a very persuasive non-offending way.

Shri K.R. Kamath
And one has to acknowledge Shri K.R. Kamath. He came to Ahmedabad in March 1971, and was associated with Ahmedabad Konkani Association (AKA) from the inception in 1973, and then a very active member of GSB Samaj from 1983. He was associated with all activities throughout. After he retired, in the new found freedom, with no work pressure as deterrent, he devoted all his free time for the newly formed GSS. He contributed immensely and lived up to the dreams. He was later the Treasurer – It was no mean task to maintain the finances of our Samaj meticulously during the period when we acquired सारस्वत संस्कृती भवन.

Shri Baba Paimam
“I just want to work hard for our Samaj. I do not whine. I do not complain. I work harder. I spend more time for Gowd Saraswath Samaj.” You must all have guessed who this personality is! He is none other than our beloved Baba PaiMam. He is simplicity personified. He is the silent worker who has been working so quietly and soundlessly he often goes unnoticed. But is this not the trait of a simple person who has worked relentlessly for our Samaj for the past forty years?
The quartet formed a great team. They worked selflessly for our Samaj and were often referred to as the राम, लक्ष्मण, भरत and शत्रुघ्न of our Samaj. They shared a common vision and a dream – to inspire the Samaj bandhavas to become a part and parcel of our large extended family and have our own home where we could meet regularly.
During these formative years of our Samaj we were blessed with two young soldiers in Vilas Kenny and Prashant Gadiyar who mainly shouldered the administrative responsibilities and kept our Samaj vibrant with well organised religious activities in traditions followed by our Bandhavas living in Kanaras.
सारस्वत संस्कृती भवन
29th April 2007
After years of intensive work, our dream was fulfilled on 29th April 2007, when our सारस्वत संस्कृती भवन was formally inaugurated.
The Gowd Saraswath Samaj, Ahmedabad is today the epitome of camaraderie and unity of all the four Maths and is one big extended family.